Monday 11 June 2012

2012 so far...

Just before Christmas, I got a letter through my letterbox informing me that I had been accepted to exhibit in The Contemporary Craft Festival in Bovey Trace, Devon. For those of you who have not heard of the festival before, it is a pretty big deal in the world of contemporary craft fairs! In fact, if you google 'contemporary craft fair', this one is the first result that comes up, which I think gives an indication as to how much of a big deal it is?

Since Christmas, my world has been a bit of a blur of business. Starting with a new stockist and mini-exhibition in Made Gallery, followed by two solo-craft cases at The Burslem School of Art, and The Alfred East Gallery and then my first craft fair at Saltaire Arts Trail.

Saltaire was a great experience. I met some new jewellery friends, Christine Davies & Craig Macauley, who are also heading down to  The Contemporary Craft Festival this weekend, and I definitely learnt a lot about how to improve my display and talk about my work to potential customers! The main thing I took from the weekend was that I need to incorporate height and light into my display, and so the last month has involved me putting blood sweat and tears into a set of 4 light boxes, which I am extremely happy to say are (as of about 3 hours ago) 100% complete, and wrapped in bubble wrap ready to be packed into my car!

I have had list upon lists of 'to do' lists, and I have spent an uncountable amount of hours making jewellery, but I am so close the the finish line, I can almost taste it! In the early hours of Thursday morning, myself and Aiden Spencer will be making our way down South to put up my new display in a big white tent, and then put up our new tent in a big green field. I really hope that the recent floods do not reach us, as all this tenting business is not ideal in flood situations!

Anyhoo, I am blabbering a bit now, it is getting late and tomorrow I have a few more 'to do's to do before I can stop packing, and start worrying about what I have forgotten to pack.

One more thing that I must mention, last week I had some more very exciting news in the form of an email telling me that I will be one of this year's exhibitors at The Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair, which may not be the first fair that comes up when you google 'contemporary craft fair' but for me it is a huge deal as it is something I have really wanted to be in for the past 3 years, and considering this year will only be it's 4th event, I think we can forgive it for only being the second result!

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